How to Setup Remote Desktop (RDP) Honeypots

A “honeypot” is a dummy system or resource in the field of computer security that is used to monitor, deter, and analyze intrusion attempts. Hackers are lured to a honeypot by the fact that it has been left open on purpose. Security researchers can learn more about risks and how to counter them by observing attackers’ behavior in relation to a honeypot.

How to setup a Windows based RDP Honeypot by enabling the RDP Logging

Setup a system outside of your operational Network (DMZ), preferably as a Virtual Machine 

Run the gpedit.msc on that system

In Computer Configuration Section -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Services -> Remote Desktop Session Host -> Security section

and Enable the Audit Logon and Audit Logoff Policies


Some other fundamentals of honeypots are as follows:

Diverse Honeypot Varieties

The two primary types are:

Low-Interaction Honeypots: These mimic just a small subset of potential attack services. They are less expensive to set up and keep running, but they provide less intelligence regarding the attacker’s methods.

Full-fledged, user-interactive systems are known as high-interaction honeypots. However, these honeypots are more difficult to set up and manage, and the attacker may try to use it against the defense if they figure out it’s a trap.


Network intrusions can be uncovered with the use of honeypots. Since the honeypot serves no useful purpose, every interaction with it should be treated with suspicion.

Honeypots are used by security analysts to investigate hackers’ methods, strategies, and intentions.

Attraction: By luring attackers into the honeypot, businesses may distract them from their real systems.

The use of honeypots is not without the possibility of harm. A misconfigured honeypot can serve as a springboard for assaults on other systems if it is not adequately isolated. In addition, experienced cybercriminals may spot a honeypot and either avoid it or trick it with false data.

Honeytokens: A form of fake information similar to a honeypot. A sham database entry or file that, when being opened, sends out a warning is one such example. It is common practice to utilize honeytokens as a means of detecting data breaches.

Ethical and legal considerations While honeypots are lawful in many places, there may be issues if the honeypot is used to launch attacks on other systems or if the data obtained is misused.

Planning is essential for a successful deployment. The honeypot has to appear legitimate and enticing to attackers while remaining separate from any potentially sensitive systems or data.

Like any technology, honeypots may be useful in the realm of cybersecurity, but only if they are properly installed, maintained, and deployed.

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